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Cohen Group, July 2023

Principal Investigators

Itai Cohen

(607) 255-0815 | (607) 255-8853 (lab)
508 Clark Hall
[email protected]
PDF icon CV (256.58 KB)

Graduate Students

Kemper Ludlow

(607) 255-8853
D2 Clark Hall
[email protected]

Han Kheng Teoh

(607) 255-8853
D2 Clark Hall
[email protected]

Wei Wang

(607) 255-8853
D2 Clark Hall
[email protected]

Jacob Pelster

(607) 255-8853
D2 Clark Hall
[email protected]

Abby Leung

(607) 255-8853
D2 Clark Hall
[email protected]

Anna Barth

(607) 255-8853
D2 Clark Hall
[email protected]

Japheth Omonira

(607) 255-8853
D2 Clark Hall
[email protected]

Weiyi Li

(607) 255-8853
C7 Clark Hall
[email protected]

Postdoctoral Associates

Itay Griniasty

(607) 255-8853
Clark Hall
[email protected]

Melody Lim

(607) 255-8853
526 Clark Hall
[email protected]

Jason Kim

(607) 255-8853
526 Clark Hall
[email protected]

Zexi Liang

(607) 255-8853
[email protected]

Navneet Singh

(607) 255-8853
C7 Clark Hall
[email protected]

Undergraduate Students